The flyer is an essential marketing tool that is relatively inexpensive but very effective. It is very important to hire professionals for flyer printing because they could suggest ways in which the marketing material can be improved to attract more business.
Most of the facilities that provide magazine printing have expertise in making flyers. If the owner wishes to design their own material, here are few materials to make an effective and eye catchy flyer.
Few tips in designing a flyer are:
- Colour: It is a common notion that a colourful flyer would attract people, but too many colours would distract the reader from the message on the flyer. Basic text can be done in black and white, while different colours can be used for the background. Different colours can be used for various segments.
- Segmentation: Solid line boxes and shading can be used for segmenting the content. The reader would be able to find information easily. The textbox border colour can coincide with text colour, making it more attractive.
- Emotions: Use of emotions on the flyer makes it attractive and effective. Customers connect to emotional message better and they would show interest to read the remaining text.
- Picture: A picture of the flyer would help customers visualize the message on the flyer. The image should be related to the text and able to stand out.
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