Publication printing process is hard task for the creative and technical people working behind a publication printing business. They go through extensive planning and long hours of discussion before the actual process of magazine printing begin.
Communication and co-ordination with the clients becomes must be clear about the content and accurate placement of images for printing that is similar to catalogue printing. A perfect layout of the plan should be made first before the actual printing begins.
With the advancement of technology, new printing techniques are being introduced to be used for publication. The most commonly used printing process is the offset lithography.
Offset printing is the most cost-effective and time-efficient publication process that is fit for printing in paper, plastic or even thicker cardboard. Printing on broadsheets, stationeries, books and magazines can be done by this technique.
A magazine printing that is done by offset publication goes through three major processes (plate making, wetting and inking). This mass-production printing is done transferring images on metal plates to rubber blankets or rollers and then onto the print media. The print media, usually paper does not come in direct contact with the metal plates, which prolongs the life of plates. The flexible rubber adjusts readily to the print surface, allowing printing on rough surfaces like canvas, cloth or wood.
Offset lithography is most commonly used for printing magazines because of its high and consistent image quality. All types of jobs like small, medium or high volume jobs can be done by off-set printing.
There are two types of offset printing machines that are commonly used for publication. In sheet-fed printing machine, individual pages of paper are feed into the machine. The pages can be pre-cut to final publication size or trimmed after printing. Web off-set machines are high speed machines that use rolls of paper and individual pages are trimmed after printing.
Depending upon the quantity to printed, the machine is selected.
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